I always thought that it would be tough to get something done in the field of research. When I joined med school I wanted to explore this avenue in academics, but always got caught up with something or the other. As they say “Athaato Brahma Jijnasaa” (human life is meant for inquiring about the truth. ~Vedanta-sutra) I too was curious about the ways of research. The other quote that goes here is that curiosity loads the gun while inspiration pulls the trigger. I was inspired to venture into research by Dr. Pooja Sharma. She introduced me to the STS program and guided me through research topics.

For the project I sought the guidance of Dr. Vijayshri Deotale (Hod and professor Microbiology, MGIMS), who gave my rough ideas shape and helped me to put up a proposal. It wasn’t easy mind you, the amount of work you have to put in an idea and refining it is a daunting task. Many times juggling between classes, exams and

research becomes taxing. There were times when I would edit my proposal and call it a day; doing any other task seemed Herculean.

Finally, when my guide accepted the drafts, I uploaded them on the ICMR portal. At last , I could breathe a sigh of relief. It was only after that did I realize how much as a student I had grown. All the skills that you possess are put to task right from writing, communicating, learning, understanding, managing deadlines, and numerous others. And those that you don’t, you get an opportunity to learn them first hand. Not only does this expose you to the topic you have chosen, but also gives an insight on the topics that your peers choose. Their experience and help comes a long way. I observed that my peers inspired me and helped me in times of need, and I tried to return the favor.

The task wasn’t over, once we submitted the proposals; we had to anxiously await the results. Given the amount of applicants, the chances were slim. I remember my guide asking me about the results frequently and every time that question popped I would check the site with butterflies in my stomach. The day the results came my friend told me that my proposal had been accepted! The fact that my peers also got selected added to my moment of joy. But getting selected acts as an incentive to attain your primary goal of completing the research and sharing it with the community.

The journey has been challenging, but it only fuels my enthusiasm to face the challenges that lie ahead.

APAR health

APAR Health has been created by a team of doctors to enhance health care skilling and take edutech sector to the next level
